January 12, 2023

Ceramics Class Animal Box Project

The Animal Box Project involves the construction of a slab box with a lid. The lid is crafted to feature a fully formed realistic animal, while the sides of the box represent the animal's environment through the use of sculpting, texture, and form. Students worked from photographs, 3-D modeling software, and/or actual 3-D models of animals.

Once the forms were created, the boxes were then finished in realistic colors using an antiquing method that brought out the highlights and shadows of the forms. This gave the boxes a natural appearance that enhances the overall effect of the project. The students' attention to detail in the creation of the animal and its environment is evident in the high level of craftsmanship displayed in the finished boxes.

Throughout the project, students advanced their skills in sculpting, texture creation, color theory, and design, while also learning about the animals and their habitats. This project not only allowed students to explore their creativity and express themselves artistically, but also gave them a greater appreciation for the natural world around them. The Animal Box Project truly showcases the artistic talent, dedication, and creativity of our students!

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