Everyone is invited to the FIRST EVER Advanced Placement (AP) Art Show featuring the work of Vinnie DiClementi, Maggie Komes, Becca Sweeney, Regan Tomsa, Lena Wickens, Marissa Williams and Mikayla Williams on Friday, May 18th, 2018 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. IN THE NCHS GYMNASIUM. (note location change from past years) This is a one-time-only, end-of-the-semester art show, staged in an open house format. These seven artists were the first to complete this College Level Advanced Placement art course offered by NCHS. The course began last summer and just ended just last week. Each artist created 24 works of art, 12 of which were based on a theme of their choice. Attending opening night is a fantastic way to support our AP artists! Hope to see you there!