Work has already started on this year's Advanced Studio Art Show, approximately four months away. Seven students will produce five pieces each that showcase their considerable talents. Each piece takes several weeks to produce, including class time, after school and weekends. The artists will be working in 3-D, ceramics, drawing and painting.
The full show will be displayed for just one night in May. Everyone will want to see it - the show is always wonderful and this year will not be different as we have a fantastic and talented group. You can drop in any time and stay for a few minutes or a few hours, looking quickly at the work, grabbing refreshments or lingering and looking closely and talking to the artists.
Part museum, part celebration, part community event - the event is always celebratory, interesting, unique and rewarding for all.
Details on time and date will be announced soon!"
Mr. Blidy
Work has already started on this year's Advanced Studio Art Show, approximately four months away. Seven students will produce five pieces each that showcase their considerable talents. Each piece takes several weeks to produce, including class time, after school and weekends. The artists will be working in 3-D, ceramics, drawing and painting.
The full show will be displayed for just one night in May. Everyone will want to see it - the show is always wonderful and this year will not be different as we have a fantastic and talented group. You can drop in any time and stay for a few minutes or a few hours, looking quickly at the work, grabbing refreshments or lingering and looking closely and talking to the artists.
Part museum, part celebration, part community event - the event is always celebratory, interesting, unique and rewarding for all.
Details on time and date will be announced soon!"
Mr. Blidy
Matt Eike is a senior who enjoys using colored pencil. He has taken Intro to Fine Arts, Art I, Drawing, Painting, and Computer Graphics.
Marissa Friestad is a junior who enjoys using colored pencil. She has taken Intro to Fine Arts, Art I, Drawing, Ceramics, and is currently enrolled in Painting.
Mikaila Butuso is a junior who enjoys painting. She has taken Intro to Fine Arts, Art I, Drawing, Painting, and is currently enrolled in Computer Graphics.
Millie Johnson is a sophomore who enjoys using graphite pencil. She has taken Art I, Drawing, and is currently enrolled in Painting and Computer Graphics.
Melanie Kala is a senior who enjoys using clay. She has taken Intro to Fine Arts, Art I, Design, and Ceramics.
Martin Schiltz is a senior who enjoys using clay. He has taken Intro to Fine Arts, Art I, Ceramics, and Computer Graphics.
Danny Bullington is a senior who enjoys using clay. He has taken Intro to Fine Arts, Art I, Design, Drawing, Ceramics, and Advanced Studio.
Article by Martin Schiltz